Friday, 10 January 2014

'Hotel California' by Igor Presyankov

Igor covers 'Hotel California' in his unique style.He is a true Master!



Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Sungha Jung playing 'Hotel California'

'Hotel California' is played by Sungha Jung here.The master was a prodigy back then.Enjoy him play!


Tab of 'Hotel California'

                                Learn 'Hotel Calfornia' covered by Assaf Levavy from Tabs

You can download it with more clarity from Assaf Levavy's website here-

'Hotel California' by Assaf Levavy

Here's a video lesson of 'Hotel California' by Asaf Levavy of quite lengthy video but very much worth watching it thoroughly till you learn it all.He covers the entire song.Happy Learning!


Basic Lesson of Guitar Fingerpicking

           A very good video to start with.Learn the basic essentials to Guitar Fingerpicking here.
